Source code for jumpssh.exception

[docs]class SSHException(Exception): """Generic exception for jumpssh Allow to chain exceptions keeping track of origin exception """ def __init__(self, msg, original_exception=None): message = msg if original_exception: message += ": %s" % original_exception super(SSHException, self).__init__(message) self.__cause__ = original_exception self.__suppress_context__ = True
[docs]class ConnectionError(SSHException): """Exception raised when unable to establish SSHSession with remote host""" pass
[docs]class TimeoutError(SSHException): """Exception raised when remote command execution reached specified timeout""" pass
[docs]class RestClientError(SSHException): """Exception raised when error occurs during rest ssh calls""" pass
[docs]class RunCmdError(SSHException): """Exception raised when remote command return a non-zero exit code :ivar int exit_code: The error code from the run command. :ivar str command: The command that is generating this exception. :ivar str error: The error captured from the command output. """ def __init__(self, exit_code, command, error): super(RunCmdError, self).__init__('Command (%s) returned non-zero exit status (%s): %s' % (command, exit_code, error)) self.exit_code = exit_code self.command = command self.error = error