Source code for jumpssh.restclient

# external import
import os
import json
import logging
    from urllib import quote_plus  # Python2
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import quote_plus  # Python3
    from httplib import HTTPResponse as http_HTTPResponse  # Python2
except ImportError:
    from http.client import HTTPResponse as http_HTTPResponse  # Python3
    from StringIO import StringIO as FakeSocketParam  # Python2
except ImportError:
    from io import BytesIO as FakeSocketParam  # Python3

from . import exception, SSHSession

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RestSshClient(object): def __init__( self, ssh_session=None, **kwargs ): """ :param ssh_session: :param host: :param username: :param kwargs: """ if ssh_session: self.ssh_session = ssh_session else: self.ssh_session = SSHSession(host=kwargs.pop('host'), username=kwargs.pop('username'), **kwargs) = self.username = self.ssh_session.username def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.ssh_session.close() def __repr__(self): return '%s(host=%s, username=%s, ssh_session=%s)' \ % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.username, repr(self.ssh_session))
[docs] def request(self, method, uri, **kwargs): """Perform http request and send back http response. :param method: http method. :param uri: remote URL to target. :param params: (optional) Dictionary to be sent in the query string. :param data: (optional) Content to send in the body of the http request. :param headers: (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the http request. :param remote_file: (optional) File on the remote host with content to send in the body of the http request. :param local_file: (optional) Local file with content to send in the body of the http request. :param document_info_only: (optional) if True, only HTTP Headers are returned in http response (default=False). :param auth: (optional) Auth tuple to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth. :param verify: (optional) whether the SSL cert will be verified. :return: :class:`HTTPResponse <HTTPResponse>` object :rtype: restclient.HTTPResponse Usage:: >>> from jumpssh import RestSshClient >>> with RestSshClient(host='', username='my_user') as rest_client: >>> ... http_response = rest_client.request('GET', '') >>> ... http_response.status_code 200 """ # build curl command # force usage of http 1.0 as chunked transfer encoding not yet supported here cmd = 'curl -is --http1.0 ' # disable verification of SSL cert if not kwargs.get('verify', True): cmd += "-k " # only return status code and headers (no body) if kwargs.get('document_info_only'): cmd += "-I " # basic authentication if kwargs.get('auth'): auth = kwargs.get('auth') if len(auth) != 2: raise exception.RestClientError("Invalid auth parameter. " "Tuple with 2 elements (user, password) is expected.") cmd += "-u %s:%s " % (auth[0], auth[1]) # specify http method cmd += '-X %s ' % method.upper() # build headers list if kwargs.get('headers'): headers = kwargs.get('headers') for key, value in headers.items(): cmd += '-H "%s:%s" ' % (key, value) # add targeted uri cmd += '"%s' % uri # add uri parameters if kwargs.get('params'): params = kwargs.get('params') if any(params): cmd += '?' cmd += '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (quote_plus(key), quote_plus(value)) for key, value in params.items()]) # close quotes around uri with params cmd += '" ' # build body if kwargs.get('local_file'): local_file = kwargs.get('local_file') if not os.path.exists(local_file) or not os.path.isfile(local_file): raise exception.RestClientError("Invalid file path given '%s'" % local_file) sftp_client = self.ssh_session.get_sftp_client() file_name = os.path.basename(local_file) sftp_client.put(local_file, file_name) cmd += '-d @%s ' % file_name elif kwargs.get('remote_file'): remote_file = kwargs.get('remote_file') if not self.ssh_session.exists(remote_file): raise exception.RestClientError("Invalid remote file path given '%s' on host '%s'" % (remote_file, cmd += '-d @%s ' % remote_file elif kwargs.get('data'): data = kwargs.get('data') cmd += "-d '%s' " % data.replace("'", "\'") # execute remote http query and get raw response # do not raise exception if error code different from 0 as some query can be successful with other exit codes exit_code, output = self.ssh_session.run_cmd(cmd, raise_if_error=False) # check exit code has a proper value # most of successful commands will return exit code 0 # except when using HEAD http method as file transfer is shorter or larger than expected # curl is returning exit code 18 : CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE (18) if exit_code != 0 and not (exit_code == 18 and method.upper() == 'HEAD'): raise exception.RestClientError( '"Remote command ({command})" returned exit status ({exit_code}): {error}'.format( exit_code=exit_code, command=cmd, error=output) ) # cleanup file copied once rest query has been done if kwargs.get('local_file'): sftp_client.remove(file_name) # return structured http response return HTTPResponse(output)
[docs] def get(self, uri, **kwargs): """Sends a GET request. :param uri: URL of the http request. :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that :func:`~request` takes. :return: :class:`HTTPResponse <HTTPResponse>` object :rtype: restclient.HTTPResponse """ return self.request('get', uri, **kwargs)
[docs] def options(self, uri, **kwargs): """Sends a OPTIONS request. :param uri: URL of the http request. :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that :func:`~request` takes. :return: :class:`HTTPResponse <HTTPResponse>` object :rtype: restclient.HTTPResponse """ return self.request('options', uri, **kwargs)
[docs] def head(self, uri, **kwargs): """Sends a HEAD request. :param uri: URL of the http request. :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that :func:`~request` takes. :return: :class:`HTTPResponse <HTTPResponse>` object :rtype: restclient.HTTPResponse """ return self.request('head', uri, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, uri, **kwargs): """Sends a POST request. :param uri: URL of the http request. :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that :func:`~request` takes. :return: :class:`HTTPResponse <HTTPResponse>` object :rtype: restclient.HTTPResponse """ return self.request('post', uri, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, uri, **kwargs): """Sends a PUT request. :param uri: URL of the http request. :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that :func:`~request` takes. :return: :class:`HTTPResponse <HTTPResponse>` object :rtype: restclient.HTTPResponse """ return self.request('put', uri, **kwargs)
[docs] def patch(self, uri, **kwargs): """Sends a PATCH request. :param uri: URL of the http request. :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that :func:`~request` takes. :return: :class:`HTTPResponse <HTTPResponse>` object :rtype: restclient.HTTPResponse """ return self.request('patch', uri, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, uri, **kwargs): """Sends a DELETE request. :param uri: URL of the http request. :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that :func:`~request` takes. :return: :class:`HTTPResponse <HTTPResponse>` object :rtype: restclient.HTTPResponse """ return self.request('delete', uri, **kwargs)
[docs]class HTTPResponse: def __init__(self, http_response_str): httplib_HTTPResponse = self.__parse_response(http_response_str) self.headers = {} self.status_code = httplib_HTTPResponse.status self.reason = httplib_HTTPResponse.reason # to get full response body from httplib, force read of full payload, and manually override length received_length = httplib_HTTPResponse.length httplib_HTTPResponse.length = None self.text ='utf-8') httplib_HTTPResponse.length = received_length for key, value in httplib_HTTPResponse.getheaders(): self.headers[key] = value def __parse_response(self, str_response): class FakeSocket(FakeSocketParam): def makefile(self, *args, **kw): return self # remove double '\r' as http.client only searching for the following sequences # to identify end of headers list : (b'\r\n', b'\n', b'') # so this is failing when receiving for example b'\r\r\n' # the change python made to break it in 2.7.13 can be seen here # raw_response = str_response.replace('\r\r\n', '\r\n').encode('utf-8') socket = FakeSocket(raw_response) response = http_HTTPResponse(socket) response.begin() return response
[docs] def check_for_success(self): if self.status_code not in [200, 201]: raise exception.RestClientError("http error received: %s" % self)
[docs] def is_valid_json_body(self): try: json.loads(self.text) except ValueError: return False return True
[docs] def json(self, **kwargs): try: return json.loads(self.text, **kwargs) except ValueError: raise exception.RestClientError("http response body is not in a valid json format : %s" + self.text)
def __str__(self): result = "%s %s\n" % (self.status_code, self.reason) try: result += json.dumps(json.loads(self.text), indent=4, sort_keys=True) except ValueError: result += self.text return result